Week6-18 Sketches, concept and model

18 Sketches


Multiplicity and Memory
"Beauty doesn't come out of the shape alone, but of the multiplicity of impressions, sensations and emotions that the shape has as to discover......Original shape invention or particular composition doesn't take into truth. Between multiplicity and silence, there's a tense and vibrational relationship, and the concrete idea is in their equilibrance.
The process used by Zumthor to reach the memory is the «architectonic dramatization»: maybe it's the only possible way to remember, because it’s only through emotions that mankind can remember. The monument, as a symbol, is not conceived by Zumthor, who imagines the building as a real place, not a content falsification. «To build a monument, – as he said – where every politician put up his plaque or his wreath, is the first act of forgetfulness»."

Draft Model

 Chosen: 5th
